ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW about how to live, and what to do, and how to be I learned at Scoops Lacrosse.

ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW about how to live, and what to do, and how to be I learned at Scoops Lacrosse.

Sure, we scoop up balls and dance around each class, but to me, it’s more...To me there’s a special opportunity that presents itself every class. The opportunity to make a positive impact in that Scooper’s day that will hopefully carry far beyond the field of play.

For me, it is my why. My passion clothed in my purpose.

For parents, it is a place see their kids happiness.

But most importantly, for the scoopers, it is a place where they can be kids. An environment designed for them to have a blast and along the way pick up some life-long lessons.

Thank you for taking the time to learn what we learn at Scoops.

Matt Belson